ABOUT International Teacher-Artist Partnership (I-TAP-PD) PD

Erasmus+ KA2 Initiative 2020 – 2023: International Teacher-Artist Partnership (I-TAP-PD) PD
Please visit our site at: https://i-tap-pd.net/
International Teacher-Artist Partnership (I-TAP-PD) PD is an exciting project which focuses on enabling teachers and artists to jointly develop their understanding, expertise and creativity in ‘arts in education’ work with children and young people in education, community and arts settings. It offers a unique opportunity for teachers and artists to explore the nature and educational value of partnerships in supporting arts education in early and Primary school education. The ultimate aim of Erasmus+ I-TAP-PD is to create innovative professional development (PD) opportunities, innovative intellectual outputs and resources to enable both teachers and artists to challenge, develop and potentially transform their practices for the benefit of the children they teach and the school communities in which they work at a trans-European level and beyond. The enhanced practices that will emerge as a result of this collaboration will be the subject of fresh international research and innovation.
Objectives are to develop an international model I-TAP-PD with a training programme and resource materials that are transferable across various jurisdictions, are adaptable to different contexts and incorporate the best practices from each of our participating countries. We will disseminate this practice across Europe and beyond by holding a number of Multiplier events. All materials and resources developed will be free, FAIR and openly available.
The project will result in development of a final I-TAP-PD Programme with on-line Research and Evaluation Output & translated resources which will be accessible and down-loadable through the project's public Digital Resources Platform for disseminating all the project's outputs. It will include presentations and analysis of best I-TAP-PD practice, to target groups and stakeholders in all European countries. Target groups will be able to use all resource outputs on the DRP as a whole, or separate items from it independently of the final I-TAP-PD training programme and handbook or in association with them.
Project Partners
- The Education Centre Tralee
- Center for Drama in Education and Art CEDEUM
- Panellinio Diktio Gia To Theatro Stin Ekpedefsi
- Stichting Kopa
Intellectual Outputs -the Project has three Intellectual Outputs.
IO 1: I-TAP-PD Pilot 1 I-TAP-PD Training Programme
Output Description: A 5-day Pilot I-TAP-PD residential programme and resources will be developed as Intellectual Output 01 and will be delivered as the first LTT in August 2021.
IO 2: I-TAP-PD Resources
Output Description: Intellectual Output I0 2 will consist of a number & range of outputs which will be freely available on what we will use as the I-TAP-PD Digital Resource Platform (I-TAP-PD DRP). The I-TAP-PD DRP will serve as a lively platform for dissemination & communication, exchange & debate about the topics of art education & TAP professional development. This output will consist of Resource pack: I-TAP-PD training, materials and handbook; Video tutorials; Exemplary case studies; The podcast; FB & Instagram connected to the DRP, announcing the newest activities in the project or the DRP; Blogographies; Other relevant sources including Instagram, FB & Twitter.
IO 3: Final I-TAP-PD Programme, Research and Evaluation Output & Translated Resources.
Output Description: A cumulative final I-TAP-PD Programme with on-line Research and Evaluation Output & Translated resources will be accessible and down-loadable through the project's public Digital Resources Platform (DRP) for disseminating all the project's outputs
Tralee Education Centre (TEC)Tralee Education Centre (TEC) is one of a national network of 30 Education Centres charged by the Irish Government Department of Education and Skills with providing Continuing Professional Development for teachers in all the Republic of Ireland’s schools. Website www.edcentretralee.ie
Tralee Education Centre is responsible for in-service training for all 144 Primary schools and 27 Post Primary Schools in County Kerry. In-service training includes day release programmes for teachers, evening classes and online resources. In addition to its in-service remit TEC is the National Administrative Centre for Teacher-Artist Partnership CPD Summer Programmes (TAP) and Creative Clusters under the Creative Ireland Initiative and it is the National Base for any Primary School Curriculum change. Personnel at Tralee Education Centre have over 25 years’ experience in running projects and making appropriate arrangements for conferences. Tralee Education Centre, under the auspices of the Department of Education and Skills is the national administrative and coordinating centre for all CPD in Arts and Creativity in Education in Ireland under the national policies of the Arts in Education Charter (2012) and the Creative Ireland – Creative Youth Pillar 1 Programme (2017-2022).
TEC specifically nationally administers the Irish Teacher-Artist Partnership CPD Programme (TAP) and Creative Clusters which is delivered in the network of 21 Educations Centres in Ireland (ESCI). Since 2015, TEC has led the Irish TAP National CPD Summer Courses Programme and associated Residencies which focus on enabling teachers and artists to jointly develop their understanding, expertise and creativity in ‘arts in education’ work with children and young people. It involves the development of cultural networks and a national exchange platform for organisations and practitioners engaging in and sharing best practices for TAP PD in education, community and arts settings. TAP-PD addresses this priority for a more inclusive and relevant education by researching and meeting the training and support needs of teaching staff and associated professionals in primary schools so they are better prepared to meet the challenges of educating children and young people for an uncertain future where skills like the ability to connect and collaborate with others, engage in creative and critical thinking and practice inclusivity at every level will be paramount to peace, stability, sustainable economic growth and equality. It has built up significant expertise around arts education, arts-in-education and creativity in education since 2013. Many of the staff/associate staff (TAP Trainer of Trainer Group) have qualifications in these areas and have developed highly innovative practices. This expertise will be utilised in the provision of online and face to face courses for educators in partner countries and beyond. Schools in Ireland will be included, where their expertise is seen to be representing best Irish practice. The
Team of the I-TAP-PD project:
- Terry O Sullivan, TEC Director
- Máire Vieux, National Arts in Education Administrator on behalf of Tralee Education Centre (TEC)
- Jennifer Buggie – TAP Lead Teacher/ Trainer of Trainer Group
- Susan O’Keeffe – TAP Lead Teacher/Trainer of Trainer Group
- Brid Lawless, TAP Lead Teacher/ Trainer of Trainer Group
- Kate Wilson, TAP Lead Artist/Trainer of Trainer Group
- Caroline Conway, TAP Lead Artist/Trainer of Trainer Group
- Denise Blake, TAP Lead Artist/Trainer of Trainer Group
- Vera McGrath, TAP Lead Artist/Trainer of Trainer Group
Webpage: https://www.edcentretralee.ie/
CEDEUM – Centre for Drama in Education and ArtYou can find the website here - http://www.cedeum.org/
CEDEUM is a non-governmental and non-profit association aiming at implementing and supporting projects and initiatives in the field of creative education, drama and art that have as its goal the development of their country and region as a free, open and democratic society, where human rights are respected in every segment.
Centre for Drama in Education and Art CEDEUM was founded in 1999 as a non-governmental and non-profit association aiming at implementing and supporting projects and initiatives in the field of creative education. It consists of an efficient and well organized team of multitasking experts in drama, psychology and social studies, and a large body of volunteers interested in helping in the implementation of our programs and thus achieving new skills and practices.
CEDEUM is an association which gathers theatre artists, drama pedagogues, teachers, as well as cultural workers, psychologists, social workers and other artists and experts with an interest in the collaborative work and exchange of experiences on national, regional and international levels. It consists of an efficient and well organised team of multitasking experts in performing arts (drama/theatre), psychology and social studies, and a large body of volunteers interested in helping in the implementation of our programs.
The expertise of the staff includes: organisation and implementation of Festivals, Symposiums and showcases, training skills in drama and dance education, developing projects and fundraising activities, team building, peace, inclusion, diversity, specific knowledge in this area, collaboration with universities on post-graduate courses, developing, implementing and researching new methodologies and advising pupils, teachers, parents and Policy Makers.
The goal of CEDEUM is to create ties with other associations of theatre artists and other experts with the purpose of exchanging experiences and immediate collaborative work and practice, including education of theatre artists and other experts.
CEDEUM is the crucial meeting point for artists and teachers in Serbia. They have provided training in drama/theatre training for all interested parties. They have provided, with their festivals and activities, a platform for exchange, development and visibility for projects and also drama groups working in the context of schools and non-formal education. They have created a network of individuals and groups interested in this field. They are used to teamwork, but still will have defined roles in implementing projects.
Some of the milestone projects in CEDEUM-s history involve: Art for Social Change - Play Against Violence, initiated by European Cultural Foundation in collaboration with Soros, projects in collaboration and funded by Save the Children Fund UK, UNICEF, UNESCO, CARE International and COOPI Internazionale, which were implemented as European Committee projects as well as the Are You In? Erasmus + project of innovative drama/theatre methodologies in the prevention of bullyingas well as Europe in Perspective project.
CEDEUM took part on the extensive research projects DICE, as one of 12 European countries, becoming part of the DICE Consortium in 2009-10. They have experiences in administering local programmes, mostly with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, City Cultural Department and Stari Grad Municipality.
Team of the I-TAP-PD project:
- Sanja Krsmanović Tasić, CEDEUM project leader
- Jovana Mihić, project coordinator
- Andja Jočić
- Bojana Škorc
- Ana Popović
- Nikola Koruga
- Jugoslav Hadžić
- Anastasia Tasić project.
Webpage: http://www.cedeum.org/
Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-GR)Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-GR) is an association of teachers and artists for the promotion of research on and practice of theatre, educational drama and other performing arts within formal and non formal education.
The Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr), www.theatroedu.gr, is a voluntary, non-profit association of teachers and artists for the promotion of practice and research on theatre/drama and other performing arts in formal and non-formal education contexts. Some of the members of ΤΕΝet-Gr are highly qualified and skilled practitioners and theoreticians (teachers, theatre/drama pedagogues, artists, youth facilitators) in the areas of drama/theatre in education, theatre for development, active citizenship etc. TENet-Gr currently has approx. 300 active members and more than 2000 members in total. TENet-Gr started in 1998, by teachers who felt the need for continuous training and research. As an initiative it developed rapidly, it gained partners in all regions of the country, and it was connected with educational, cultural and arts institutions throughout Greece and abroad. Over the years TENet-Gr has generated a wealth of cultural education action.
TENet-Gr organises/runs: Regular practical training seminars for teachers, facilitators and young people, the Athens International Theatre/ Drama in Education Conference, the annual Theatre Summer Camp, projects in schools for and with youth groups. It publishes books and the annual “Education and Theatre Journal”.
Projects/ recent areas of activity:
“Theatre and Education” Journal. A journal for the promotion of research on and practice of drama/ theatre and other performing arts in formal and non-formal education. Published in Greek and English annually since 2001.
“It could be me, it could be you”. An awareness raising project, targeting the educational community at large, on the issues of refugees and human rights, with the use of experiential learning, theatre and educational drama techniques.
The Athens International Theatre/ Drama in Education Conference. In 2018 TENet-Gr delivered the 8th Athens International Conference on Theatre and the Performing Arts in Education, entitled “Utopia or Necessity?”. A bilingual publication (Greek & English) based on Conference’s keynotes, presentations and workshops was published (2019).
Theatre Summer Camps. In August 2019 TENet-Gr delivered the 18th Theatre Summer Camp, “Stories in Motion”. For a week delegates (teachers, youths, facilitators) were invited to participate in a number of workshops on puppetry, tribal storytelling, theatre for freedom and personal empowerment, etc.
“Sto Epikentro”. A collaboration with ActionAid Hellas, during the period 2017-2020. “Epikentro”, a centre for action and change, offers free services for adults and innovative programmes for children and teenagers, aiming at helping them solve the problems that the financial crisis brought in their lives. TENet-Gr offered different Theatre-In-Education workshops for adults and children.
European Collaborations
- Europe in Perspective: Transnational Training on Diversity in Cultural Learning (2017-2019): The aim of the project was the creation of a training module and manual for artists and teachers, on diversity and multi-cultural learning through the arts.
- Global Curiosity (February 2020-): An exchange of good practices programme, in collaboration with Curious Minds (UK) and the Malopolska Institute of Culture (Poland)
Team of the I-TAP-PD project:
- Betty Giannouli
- Vassia Kossiva
- Georgina Kakoudaki
- Eirini Marna
- Thanasis Zeritis
- Yolika Poulopoulou
WEBPAGE: www.theatroedu.gr
NCoC National Centre of Competence for Arts EducationThe National Center of Competence (NCoC) for Arts Education operates across Austria and across school types in the subjects Theatre, Dance, Music, Arts Education and Crafts & Design. Additionally, the NCoC is committed to promoting Arts Education in all school subjects.
This organization is located at the University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria (PH Niederösterreich).
The National Center of Competence (NCoC) for Arts Education is an institution of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria (PH NOE). The NCoC for Arts Education operates across Austria and across school types in the subjects Theatre, Dance, Music, Arts Education and Crafts and Design. Additionally, the NCoC is committed to promoting arts education in all school subjects.
NCoC = National Center of Competence for Arts Education is working on functional networks in the field of Arts Education.
The NCoC for Arts Education enables the exchange of committed teachers from all types of schools in federal and regional seminars/workshops for the subjects of music education/ music, theater in schools/performing arts, dance/performance, visual education/art, and technical and textile crafts/design and technology.
The NCoC for Arts Education gives focus on information about Arts Education in Austria schools and in the field of pedagogy.
National Center of Competence for Arts Education ...
... supports the implementation of cultural education and the promotion of creativity as part of general education for all types of schools.
... creates information for students / teachers / educators and makes this available in a monthly infoletter and on a website
... organizes nationwide teacher trainings (seminars / workshops / conferences) with focus on Arts Education and on the artistic-creative subjects
... initiates and accompanies the planning and implementation of projects on cultural education in schools (e.g. nationwide KuBi-Days - Cultural Education Days in Schools)
... promotes networking and cooperation with educational and scientific institutions as well as organizations whose activities focus on cultural work in schools.
Team of the I-TAP-PD project:
- Andrea Plass
- Katharina Weinhuber
- Karina Tösch
- Erika Jakob
- Barbara Schandl
- Ursula Silaen
WEBPAGE: https://www.ncoc.at/
Stichting KopaStichting Kopa is an arts education NGO from Utrecht in the Netherlands.Kopa initiates projects that aim at more creativity in schools, and in society as a whole. Kopabeliefs that more creativity brings colour, meaning and joy to each life. It facilitates newideas and solutions for complex ‘wicked’ problems. Our website informs about the activitiesof the organization.At this moment Kopa’s main focus is on enhancing education by bringing more creativityinto each classroom. Through our project PIONIER! we support teachers and schools to facilitate a creative learning environment. Kopa supports by creating creative lessons andusing art as a starting point for learning processes in all school subjects. Kopa trains teachers in the classroom and inspire them to work in a process-oriented didactic. Another project we are currently working on is ‘Chilling with Heritage’. In this project we aim to spark the curiosity of children for their local heritage by using creative and associative assignments. The children then define their own research question, do the research and
create an artwork based on their findings. They are supported by their teachers, by heritage experts and by artists in this process.The name Kopa is derived from cooperation. By building programs through partnerships with all sorts of organisations and learning from each others expertise we magnify our reach and strengthen the quality of our work.
Stichting Kopa
... supports the implementation of cultural education and the promotion of creativity as part
of general education for mainly primary schools.
... creates arts education for students / teachers / educators and makes this available in
inspirational database on www.ikpionier.nl.
... organizes teacher trainings (workshops/co-teaching) with focus on Arts Education and on
the artistic-creative subjects.
... promotes cultural and creative learning as a way of tackling topics such as identity,
diversity and inclusion in the classroom.
... works in partnerships with primary schools, cultural organisations and teacher-training
Team of the I-TAP-PD project:
Linda Rosink
Manja Eland
Klaas Dijkstra
Lotte Vernooy
Sarie Victoria
Yalda Shahidi
WEBPAGE: www.kopakan.nl