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Primary Curriculum Redevelopment - Consultation 2024


Consultation on the Primary School Curriculum – final chance to have your say!  NCCA’s Consultation on the redeveloped Primary School Curriculum closes this Friday, June 7 th . This consultation relates to the most significant curriculum redevelopment at primary level in 25 years. Teachers, school leaders, parents, children and other stakeholders have been asked to share their views on five draft curriculum specifications: 

 Arts Education 
 Modern Foreign Languages 
 Science, Technology and Engineering Education  
 Social and Environmental Education  
 Wellbeing 

The outcomes from this consultation will ultimately contribute to the finalisation of the five curriculum specifications that will make up the redeveloped Primary School Curriculum for all primary and special schools.  

With only a number of days to go before the consultation closes, there are still opportunities to get involved through the online questionnaires or by using the online written submission form. To find out further information on the consultation, please visit NCCA’s website: Click here

Here you can find the five draft curriculum specifications,along with the online questionnaires and written submission form. There are also resources including Frequently Asked Questions on the consultation, as well as short introductory videos that
provide an overview of each draft specification.