Module 2, Long Vowels and Syllables
In this self-paced module Mary covers the next steps to take in teaching a systematic and explicit Structured Literacy (SL) Programme. She uses the DcodeDyslexia SL programme throughout the series of modules. In this, the second module of the series, she uses Dcode Book 3, Long Vowels, and Dcode Book 4, Syllables.
The module is designed for 24/7 access and allows you to choose your pace of learning. Furthermore, once you have completed your first run through the module you will be able to review at will.
The course covers phonological, and phonemic, awareness, decoding, reading comprehension, and vocabulary, and spelling. It adheres to the principles of the Science of Reading body of scientifically based research, and it supports the Irish Government's Primary Language Curriculum learning outcomes (LO) for the Reading (LO 3,4,5 & 6) and Writing strands (LO 3,4 & 5).
Furthermore, she uses the Ncode Spelling book, specifically Chapters 3 & 4 in this Module, which align to Dcode Book 3 & 4, to demonstrate the scope, sequence and drills required to teach students to write, i.e., to spell, or to encode, words. If you don't have the books, which are ideal for reflection and practicing the skills, some resources are provided to enable you to get the feel of using the programme with a student.
On completing the module, you should be able:
1. Explain the scope and structure of a SL programme.
2. Teach intermediate-level literacy to a struggling reader, e.g., Long Vowels and multisyllabic words.
3. Collaborate and interact with colleagues to develop strategies to implement more advanced literacy classes for small groups of struggling readers.