Fáilte go dtí
Ionad Tacaíochta Oideachais Thrá Lí
"Forbairt leanúnach phearsanta agus ghairmiúil a sholáthar do mhúinteoirí agus do phobail scoile"
Welcome to the
Tralee Education Support Centre"Providing continuous personal and professional development for teachers and school communities"
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To book a place on a course it is essential to register on the website first.
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Fáilte go hIonad Tacaíochta Oideachais Thrá Lí
Tralee Education Support Centre -
Táimid lonnaithe i gCampas Thuaidh IT
We are located in the IT North Campus -
Áiseanna Oiliúna TF agus ríomhaireachta den scoth
Excellent IT training facilities and computing -
Suíomh sár-oiriúnach d'imeachtaí
The perfect location for events
Táimid anseo chun:
Oiliúint, forbairt agus tacaíocht a sholáthar do mhúinteoirí agus don phobal scoile i gcoitinne, ó thaobh freastal ar riachtanais múinteoirí agus pobail scoile a bhfuil taighde déanta orthu go háitiúil agus trí rannpháirtíocht i gCláir Inseirbhíse Náisiúnta.
A bheith páirteach, mar mhór-acmhainn straitéiseach laistigh den oideachas, i raon tionscadal, clár agus tionscnamh náisiúnta agus eile.
Gníomhú chomh fada agus is féidir mar ionad acmhainne agus cruinnithe do phobal na scoile áitiúil.
Pleanáil d’fhorbairt saineolais i bpríomhréimsí agus a leithéid de shaineolas a roinnt ar fud Líonra na nIonad Tacaíochta Oideachais.
Comhoibriú agus teagmháil a dhéanamh le hIonaid Tacaíochta Oideachais eile chun a chinntiú go mbunaítear Líonra Ionad éifeachtach.
Is mian leis an Ionad Tacaíochta Oideachais aitheantas a thabhairt do thacaíocht Rannóg Oideachais Múinteoirí na Roinne Oideachais agus Scileanna.
We are here to:
Provide training, development and support for teachers and the wider school community, both in terms of meeting locally researched and identified teacher and school community needs and through involvement in National In-service Programmes.
Be involved, as a major strategic resource within education, in a range of national and other projects, programmes and initiatives.
Act as far as possible as a resource and meeting centre for the local school community.
Plan for the development of expertise in key areas and to share such expertise throughout the Education Support Centre Network.
Co-operate and engage with other Education Support Centres so as to ensure that an effective Network of Centres is established.
The Education Support Centre wishes to acknowledge the support of the Teacher Education Section of the Department of Education and Skills